Thursday, June 30, 2011

Scheduling Kettle Jobs Using Window Scheduler

Follow the steps to make a simple job scheduling in kettle.
step1. create a job as below

step 2. ktr details are shown in screenshots below

step3. now you need kitchen.bat which is used to schedule job, which you can find inside the data integration folder of your installation directory. In my case it is "D:\softwares\pdi-ce-4.0.1-stable\pdi-ce-4.0.1-stable\data-integration"

step 4. now one more bat file is needed that will have all the instruction that you want to do when schedule will run.
for this go to notepad

write following lines
d:(line 1)
cd D:\softwares\pdi-ce-4.0.1-stable\pdi-ce-4.0.1-stable\data-integration(line2)
kitchen.bat /file:"D:\eCommera\by vikash sir code and test\london2012data and test\LONDON2012\London 2012 Data\2011-02-28\OMS\order_created\javascript error.kjb"(line 3 where this path i s the path of my kjb file.)

click on save

choose file type as all

and write file name as sj1.bat you can type anything as long as extension is bat.
(note that my file i.e sj1.bat path is "C:\Documents and Settings\pankaj.baunthiyal\Desktop" for later use) and click save.

now what remains is schedule it.

step 5. Go to control panel-> schedule job folder->click add schedule job and browse to your bat file i.e sj1.bat

set time and other options one imp thing is that see your start textbox is not empty and contains path to your sj1.bat file.

this is done.

you will see the excel file generated in the path you mentioned during creation of ktr when the job is run.

If you have any query against this post feel free to ask me.